Eco friendly sustainable composite materials
It is essential, for the future of not just the UK economy but for the whole of mankind, that sustainable eco-friendly manufacturing methods are developed.
The harmful effects of our disposable consumer lifestyle on our environment are well known and well documented and as a result, the government is increasingly introducing legislation to control the effects on the environment of the materials used in the manufacture of many of our everyday products.
To directly address this issue, Sustainable Composites Ltd (SCL) was founded in January 2003 to develop a range of eco-friendly manufacturing materials made from sustainable crops such as hemp and castor oil. Working in partnership with Movevirgo Limited and a number of other leading organisations and academic institutions, SCL has extensive expertise in the development and use of sustainable materials in composite manufacturing.
Our expertise was recently and successfully used in the development and manufacture of the 'eco-board' a balsa cored, hemp coated surfboard for the Eden Project.
Environmentally Sustainable
For any innovative and environmentally conscious manufacturer, where there is an opportunity to use sustainable composite technology, SCL can provide the materials as well as providing the technical advice and the development and processing expertise required to make your project a success.
To find out more contact our Technical Director Steve Wilkinson on (01209) 843 484, or please download our flyer to find out what we can do for your company.
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