Eco friendly sustainable composite materials
Leading the way in the innovation and development of sustainable materials!

   Flaxland Produce Flax Canoe / Kayaks

Simon and Ann Cooper have been pioneers in the use of EcoComp® UV-L resin. Starting two years ago Simon found that by coating flax with the resin he was able to get a waterproof and slightly flexible finish. This resulted in production of a coracle using dyed flax fabric, which caused much positive comment when displayed.

Following the success of the coracle Simon and Ann decided to develop canoes and kayaks using the same 'skinning' process. The frames for the canoes / kayaks have been carefully thought out, so that the CNC machined parts fit together easily and the frame is easily erected with minimal fixing to the floor to hold it secure while the flax is applied. The pictures on this page show the completed product to good effect. Initially the canoes and kayaks will be available as finished items, but Simon and Ann have developments in the pipeline which will allow the craft to be offered in kit form for home completion.

If you interested in the growing, harvesting and working of flax fibre Simon and Ann offer courses that you can attend.

If you require further information please contact Simon and Ann:-

07815 967951



Kayak photos are copyright of Simon Cooper

Coracle photo copyright of Movevirgo Limited

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    Updated 17/07/15