Eco friendly sustainable composite materials
Leading the way in the innovation and development of sustainable materials!






EcoComp®  UV-L resin -  is making waves yet again!


2.5 Metre Composite Dinghy

We have produced the first 2.5 metre dinghy manufactured from our  UV cured 95% Linseed oil resin.  This is an exciting development for Sustainable Composites and the Marine Industry at large.  Which combines the benefits of using sustainable materiels, conventional composite construction techniques and Resins which are much more pleasant to work with, that do not give off VOC's.

Click this link to see more details.  

FP7 UltraFibre Project

Under parent company Movevirgo Limited's involvement in a multi company European funded project, the background knowledge developed by Sustainable Composites Limited helped contribute to the successful conclusion of the FP7 Project entitled UltraFibre. Deatils of the Project can be viewed at UltraFibre Project




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Webpage last updated 11/03/16